Construction Update: June 12, 2019
Lower Level: Framing & plumbing being installed. Level One. Framing, Plumbing, & Electrical being installed. Installation of elevated slabs in kitchen and bathrooms complete. Mockups on the column finish and access floor ready for review. Level Two: Formwork was being stripped. Level Three: Columns and shear walls complete. Formwork for 4th floor was being installed. Exterior: Exterior utilities were being installed on the SE corner of the building. North side of the building being brought up to grade.

Construction Update : May 1, 2019
Lower Level: Concrete masonry unit block walls installation in process. Level One: Deck was being stripped and reshoring being installed. Plumbing for kitchen facilities was being installed. Level Two: Columns and sheer walls were poured. Scaffolding for the third floor deck was being installed.

Construction Update: April 18, 2019
First Floor: Stripping of deck scaffolding shoring began. Second Floor: Deck pours 1 & 2 were poured previous week and the PT-Cables were stressed. Several columns were poured. Rebar for columns and sheer walls installed. Reinforcement installed. Other: New stair tower is in place on the NW corner of the building.

Construction Update: March 27, 2019
Lower Level: Re-shoring installed. First Floor: Scaffolding installed for the second floor deck. Second Floor: Deck under construction and near completion; reinforcement was installed.

Construction Update: March 6, 2019
Lower Level: Scaffolding & formwork partially removed. Space is being used for material storage and a fabrication workshop. First Floor: All shearwalls and nearly all of the columns have been poured. Crews are installing 2nd floor scaffolding and decking.

Construction Update: February 13, 2019
Lower Level: Scaffolding & formwork on the East half in the process of being removed. Gas line installed. First floor: Post-tension Cables on the West slab have stressed, cut, and capped. Crews busy placing and tying rebar. Column and Shear Wall forms installed and several columns/walls were poured.

Construction Update: February 6, 2019
Mockup of the Column capital under review. Lower Level: Scaffolding & formwork on the East half in the process of being removed. 1st Floor: Post-tension cables on the West slab have been stressed and are waiting approval to cut. West slab is covered and being heated from underneath. Column and Shear Wall forms are being installed.

Construction Update: February 2, 2019
Lower level scaffolding & formwork on the East half in the process of being removed. First floor: Post-tension cables on the West slab have been stressed and are waiting to be cut. West slab is covered and being heated from underneath. Column and Shear Wall forms are being installed.

Construction Update: January 30, 2019
Lower level shoring in the process of being removed. Post-tension cables on the East slab of first floor have been stressed and are waiting to be cut. Rebar and cables are in the process of being installed on the West slab. Second floor deck pour has been greenlighted.

Construction Update: January 25, 2019
Lower level shoring installed for the 1st floor slab. East half is tented and heated in preparation of pour. First floor rebar and post-tension cable mostly installed on the East half. Final preparations and quality control taking place. West half of the 1st floor is still being decked in preparation of reinforcement installation.

Construction Update: January 9, 2019
Slab on Grade completed except for South West entrance. Shoring for the floor floor in the process of being installed. Rebar and post-tension cables are onsite and awaiting installation. Reinjection wall tested. Mid-January pour for the 1st half of the deck is planned.

Construction Update: December 19, 2018
Water proofing membrane, insulation, and drain matt installed on the North and East sides. The West side is partially installed. Raised walkway slabs around the main elevator and at the entrance to the stairs are curing. The footing along the South side East entrance formed and rebar placed in preparation for a concrete pour. Formwork being stripped and stockpiled. Dirt being compacted around the North side of the foundation walls. Underground mechanical-electrical-plumbing, trench drain, and rebar installed for pouring the slab-on-grade.

Construction Update: December 12, 2018
Crews in the process of stripping the South West lower level walls. Slabs along the East side of the Lower level have been poured and are curing. Fine grading taking place on the East half of the lower level in preparation for slab-on-grade. Water proofing membrane, insulation, and drain matt installed on the North Side. Backfilling and compaction finished on the East side and parts of the North. Underground plumbing, waste, and electrical are being installed and prepared for slab-on-grade.

Construction Update: December 6, 2018
Crews forming the South West Lower Level walls. Several wall sections and columns curing and waiting to be stripped. Slab on Grade in the NW corner has been poured. South Wall on the Lower level being prepared for forming. Insulation board backfilled along the North and East Walls. Underground plumbing, waste, and electrical conduit in process of being installed. Pipe bedding sand installed.
Construction Update: November 21, 2018
Crews forming the West Lower Level walls. Several wall sections and columns curing and waiting to be stripped. Forming for the Slab on Grade in the NE corner taking place. Foundation waterproofing applied in a few areas. Insulation board has been installed in select locations. Installation of underground electrical conduit, plumbing, and waste continues.

Construction Update: November 14, 2018
Crews forming the SE corner walls as well as public elevator walls. Formwork was being stripped from the staff elevator walls. Several columns had been poured and were curing. The footing along Grid 1.1 saw cut in preparation for reinstallation. A portion had been installed on the North side of the Staff Elevator. Underground plumbing and waste in process of being installed.

Construction Update: November 7, 2018
DAC preparing to pour Elevator 2 and Exit Stair B walls. Rebar matts and columns tied on the SE corner of the site. Several columns have been poured and stripped. All footings in place have been stripped and backfilled. Several trenches dug onsite for plumbing crews. Some of the electrical conduits have been installed on the NE corner of the interior walls of the building.

Construction Update: October 31, 2018
Walls & Footings: Backfilling/compacting of column and elevator footings in process; Pour 1 walls were poured and covered with concrete blankets; Pour 2 walls were being formed up.
Columns: Formwork for the Columns along Grid B at Grid 3 & 4 were evaluated for air voids; recommendations made for adjusting concrete placing and vibration techniques.

Construction Update: October 17, 2018
Footings: Dick Anderson crews removed formwork from Tuesday’s pour and backfilling/compacting. Formwork is staged along the North edge of the site and formwork is being constructed. Excavations of future footings took place simultaneously with the backfilling/compacting work.
Other: The crane has been assembled and prepared for column and wall installation. Rebar is staged in the SW corner of the site and an area prepared for pre-tying of rebar curtains and columns. Temporary power is in place.

Construction Update: October 3, 2018
Reinjection Well Drilling: AK Drilling onsite drilling for the Reinjection Well. Depth was at 120’ at the time of observation. Morrison-Maierle on-site sampling.
Civil Work: Civil subcontractor removing overburden from the site. A good portion of the footings have been fine graded along the North, East, & West sides of the building.
Footings: Dick Anderson crews building footing formwork in preparation of pours next week. First load of rebar for the footings arrived.
Telecommunications: Blackfoot Communications placed a vault in the NE corner of the site. Blackfoot personnel met with Dick Anderson onsite to to coordinate.
New Traffic Plan
Beginning late September, driving lanes surrounding all four sides of the 400 block of E. Main will be reduced to one lane. Adams and Jefferson will become one-way streets: Adams (south bound), Jefferson (north bound). Streetside parking around the block will be reduced, and temporary pedestrian walkways will be developed.
Summer 2018
June and July were spent finalizing building permits, securing a Guaranteed Maximum Price for the project, and authorizing the financing mechanisms needed to begin construction. On August 1, ground was broken for the new library-museum complex. Speakers at the groundbreaking ceremony included: Rita Henkel, library board of trustees chair; Frank Scariano, library foundation chair; Mayor John Engen; County commissioner Jean Curtiss; and Missoula Downtown Partnership director Linda McCarthy. Excavation began in August. In September, streets surrounding the block will be modified, according to a City-approved plan, to accommodate construction equipment and vehicles.
May 2018
Focus of work has been on realigning early cost estimates with current prices of materials/labor. Tri-County Mechanical & Electrical contracted for HVAC system. MPL and MCT were temporarily taken off line and then reconnected to newly installed electrical line on new property. Library’s partners (Families First/Children’s Museum, UM spectrUM, MCAT) discussing building signage and finalizing exhibit plans. Missoula Redevelopment Association pledged $500K to the “All Under One Roof” capital campaign.
March 2018
Northwestern Energy is installing new power lines from Madison Street to the new site. This upgrade will benefit the entire neighborhood, including Missoula Community Theatre. The Library has agreed to meet new Missoula City Council conditions for sidewalk construction that prioritize and widen boulevard landscaping along Jefferson, Adams, and Front streets. Rita Henkel, chair of the Library Board of Trustees, has given A&E Architects and MSR Design final approval to finish design development documents. Representatives of the library-museum collaborative and design team are currently studying and finalizing plans for key interactive STEM installations for the shared youth services area. Library administration is developing plans for increasing access to social services navigation for library users. The All Under One Roof capital campaign has raised $4.75M of its $5.5M goal.
December 2017
401 EAST MAIN. All deconstruction that had been planned for fall/winter has been completed. Contractor has salvaged lumber and roof materials from the former school house on northwest corner. Soil to be tested in mid-December.
DESIGN. Library leaders and architects continue to discuss future parking options with the City. Architects are in the process of finalizing energy models for the building and the 2030 net zero energy goal.
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN. Year-end donations for the new library are being solicited in advance of a Dec 31 finance update. In December Missoula Public Library is also a traditional one-stop community giving location for local charities including the Food Bank, Youth Homes, and the YWCA.
November 2017
401 EAST MAIN. Deconstruction and demolition of the site is underway. Library administration is reviewing coffee shop proposal for the new building, and discussing safety protocols of both the current and future Library property with the Missoula Police Department. Capital Campaign: final deadline for legacy opportunities (donor-named areas) has been set for February 1, 2018.
October 2017
401 EAST MAIN. Asbestos Abatement completed. Archeological Study complete, recommendation received. Removal of items of local interest from the buildings for use in the new project. Deconstruction of the schoolhouse to determine original size and placement of the bell tower to begin. Partners & Programs: Analyzing/curating displays and experiences for second-floor children’s areas. Capital Campaign: $3.6M of $5M goal raised in private funds.