Digital Items for Youth

Use your Missoula Public Library card for free access to online tutoring, homework help, practice tests, writing reviews, study tools, and more! Help available for kids and teens from Kindergarten to 12th grade, as well as an Adult Learning Center. This service is IP authenticated inside the building and our branches, and library card authenticated outside the building. Users are required to make a username and password.
Designed with public library patrons in mind, Explora provides easy-to-use features and reliable content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books. Available on library and home computers and from mobile devices. For grades 6-12.

NoveList K-8 allows you to discover the fiction and non-fiction titles that are popular with young readers as well as titles to use in your classroom. The NoveList Learning Center provides a complete introduction to the product and shows you how to use NoveList to meet the reading needs of your students.

Ready 2 Read Texting Program
The Ready 2 Read Texting Program provides parents and caregivers of pre-schoolers FREE early literacy tips through texts on their phone. You will receive three text messages per week for 8 months that provide easy, fun, and useful ideas for helping children develop and practice their early literacy skills. Signing up for the program is FREE and EASY. Text the word "SIGNUP" to 406-204-3583.