Online Bookings

We have 18 meeting rooms for public use during open hours. Most rooms can be booked from this page. For more info about meeting rooms, visit the Meeting Rooms by Level page.


Read Terms of Use

How Do I Book a Room?

  1. Create your first booking using your preferred name and email address. You’ll then receive an email to complete your login and account for future bookings. Create a password or create a social login (with Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter).

  2. Navigate the available spaces with the left and right keyboard arrows or by clicking on the left and right buttons in the top right corner of the calendar.

  3. Sort the spaces by floor by clicking on the spaces button in the top right corner and navigating the drop down menu.

  • Get more information about a room (capacity, audiovisual equipment, etc.) by clicking on room name or the  next to the room name.
  • For expanded view of available spaces, open booking calendar in new tab.
  • Questions or need assistance booking a room? Contact us or call 406-721-2665.

After-Hours Rentals

Looking for a unique event space for your reception, conference, fundraiser, etc.? We have several spaces available for rent after regular open hours. For more info, visit the Rent Our Space page. (Please note: we are fully booked for private rentals through November 2025 and will not be reviewing any further requests for that timeframe.)

Meeting Space Terms of Use

The Library Board shall have the authority to deny a meeting if it is deemed inappropriate to the mission of MPL by the Library Director. Upon adequate notice and for adequate reasons, the Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use any meeting room. Library and Partners-oriented activities shall have first priority to use the meeting rooms. Meetings and exhibits do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Library Board or staff. 




PUBLIC MEETINGS. All meetings taking place during the Library’s public hours are considered public meetings and open to public participation. Meetings may be scheduled up to 90 days in advance of meeting date (30 days for study rooms). A group is limited to reserving Library meeting space to one evening per month.  


FREE MEETINGS. The public meeting rooms are intended as a community resource. Meeting space use is provided at no cost to community members. Groups may not charge admission or registration fees for any meeting. (Donations may be accepted.) 




FURNITURE. A group is welcome to reconfigure chairs and tables according to its need. Furniture must be returned to its original configuration before the group leaves.  


SET UP. Stapling and tacking is prohibited.  Painter’s tape may be used on non-glass, non-wood and non-painted surfaces, but must be removed with no residue left. Sticky notes are allowed on any surface.  No use of open flame, candles, or other devices that may cause fire or smoke.   No glitter, sequins, orbeez, confetti, or other decorations that may leave a residue and/or are difficult to clean up. Patrons must bring their own loading equipment such as carts or dollies.  No meeting room furniture may be removed from rooms or used for loading supplies in/out.        


AREAS. Meeting room bookings are solely for the meeting room. Bookings do not include access to, or use of, other spaces in the library. All meeting activities, including food service must stay contained in the booked room unless prior authorization is obtained from the library.  To discuss using spaces outside of the booked room, contact at least 72 hours prior to reservation date. For noise mitigation, it is preferable to keep the doors closed. Groups must keep all emergency exits clear during the use of the facility. Groups may place one identifying sign or banner near the entrance to their reserved room. No other signage may be placed anywhere in the building or outside the building on library property.   


CLEANING. The meeting room, and any other space used, must be left in the same condition it was found in. Furniture must be returned to original configuration, all surfaces must be wiped down, and the carpets must be vacuumed.  Cleaning supplies are available in the under sink cabinets (Cooper’s Space) or in the credenza (Blackfoot Boardroom).  Vacuums are located in the closets (Cooper’s Space) and near the credenza (Blackfoot Boardroom).  Please immediately report any issues to staff.    


GARBAGE. Room users are responsible for removing all food trash from rooms. Non-food trash should be consolidated into the in-room trash receptacles.  Any trash in excess of that which fits in the receptacles must be removed from the room. Users may utilize the Library’s dumpsters located on Jefferson St.  All decorations, supplies, materials, etc., must be removed from the room. 


TECHNOLOGY. Assistance with AV equipment and peripherals is available upon request. All systems (including shades and screens) must be reset or shut down before checking out of the meeting space. Use of AV peripherals (library laptop, microphones, etc.) requires a library card or collateral.  All peripherals must be returned to library staff at the end of use. 


RESERVATION TIMES. Booking times should reflect the time that the users intend to be in the space. If a user does not arrive within 15 minutes of reservation time, the reservation may be considered cancelled, and the space may be made available to other patrons at the discretion of library staff.  Patrons should call the library if they are running more than 15 minutes late for their reservation. Room users must vacate the space at the end of their booked time. Early set up access requires advance approval from library management.  


3. LIABILITY. Organizations holding meetings assume responsibility for any damage to the spaces or contents. It is the responsibility of the reservation holder to alert staff to any issues with the room condition.


4. CLOSING TIME. All meetings, parties, etc. must be ended, cleaned up, and the rooms vacated, no later than 15 minutes prior to the library closing.


5. ACCESSIBILITY. Meeting rooms are accessible.  It is the responsibility of the group holding a meeting to provide ADA compliant programs.  Assisted listening devices are available (Cooper’s Spaces) by


6. PARKING. MEETING SPACE USE DOES NOT INCLUDE FREE UNLIMITED PARKING PRIVILEGES. Anyone parking in the Library’s lot in excess of two (2) hours is subject to being ticketed.


7. RESTRICTED USE. Group activities involving more than normal wear and tear will not be permitted. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited during library operating hours (with the exception of paid private rentals).


8. LOST OR STORED ITEMS. Equipment, supplies, materials, or other items owned or brought into the building by a group are not the responsibility of the Library, nor can they be stored in the library.


9. FOOD. If a group or individual chooses to cater food or beverages at a meeting, any caterer of choice may provide this service. Users must clean up any messes made and remove all food trash. Catering is available through Clyde Coffee. To make a request, please fill out their Bulk Ordering form.


If special cleaning or re-arranging of the meeting room is needed for any reason, the user responsible for the reservation may be charged a minimum cleaning fee of $50. Users who fail to abide by these terms of use may lose meeting room use privileges. 

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